univie: Summer School "Studying Cooperatives"


From September 20th-22nd 2021, Prof. Schaffhauser-Linzatti invites students to participate in this year's Summer School: "Studying Cooperatives" to delve into current research issues and expand their methodological toolset.

The summer school "Studying Cooperatives" opens its metaphorical doors for interested students this September (20th-22nd), and gives participants the chance to gain a more in-depth understanding of current research issues, research methods and didactical aspects. The focus lies on methods in the fields of economic and social sciences.

The variety of courses delivered by renowned speakers allows students to expand their knowledge in a short amount of time, and gives many impulses for further development.

Please note that the summer school is targeted at students at the Master level. Furthermore, this year's courses will exclusively be held online.

For more information on the summer school in general, but also more details on courses, as well as the formalities concerning registration, please have a look here, where you'll find a folder and the registration form.