Free INSEAD webinar with Markus Reitzig on 23 May 2024


Next Thursday Prof. Reitzig will hold an online seminar at INSEAD on flat organizing - its strengths and advantages, but also its challenges and pitfalls.

In recent years flat structures have often been presented as a solution to many of an organization's possible challenges. But when is it actually helpful to adopt a less hierarchical organizational structure, and what is necessary to keep it up and running?

These are just some of the questions that Prof. Reitzig's upcoming webinar at INSEAD will touch upon. INSEAD's Lifelong Learning initiative has made the webinar free and accessible to anyone interested. You can register here to get access to the talk on 23 May 2024, 16:00.

UPDATE: If you wanted to join the webinar, but ultimately didn't have the time, or if you want to rewatch it, you can find the video here.