Article by Prof. Reitzig set for publication in Organization Science


The article “Adaptation or Persistence? Emergence and Revision of Organization Designs in New Ventures” has been accepted for publication by the journal "Organization Science".

The article “Adaptation or Persistence? Emergence and Revision of Organization Designs in New Ventures”, co-authored by Oliver Alexy (TU Munich), Katharina Pötz (Austrian Parliamentary Services), Phanish Puranam (INSEAD), and Markus Reitzig (Vienna) has been accepted for publication in Organization Science. The paper presents qualitative data from a longitudinal multi-case study of eight young ventures and two mini ethnographies, shedding light on the question of how organization designs evolve between adaptation to changing conditions and the pressures towards persistence of the designs adopted at founding. The authors find that in these ventures organization design solutions changed frequently, triggered by various internal and external developments, although the changes were typically incremental and myopic. However, the more abstract principles of design, captured in the founders’ logics of organizing, were less amenable to change. This explains why observations of imprinting effects in logics of organizing are consistent with observations of dynamic change to organization designs. The article empirically complements earlier theoretical work by Puranam, Alexy, and Reitzig published in the Academy of Management Review (2014).